Senin, 13 September 2021

Neox is future wallet be a spectacular

Neox is future wallet be a spectacular

NEOX is the destiny of portions of computerized monetary forms. It isn’t just for Ether or Bitcoin Holders. Our gathering has grown unequivocally since 2020 and the system has gone through amazing further new development. We as of now have our own gathering of data scientists, front-end and back-end fashioners, data analysts, association and structure engineers, online sponsors and change smoothing out topic master. Thusly we have the best conditions to publicize and moreover encourage our thing.


As of now the majority of the crypto cards accessible license change just from Bitcoin or Ethereum to Fiat financial structures. With this association, cryptographic cash holders who need to pay using computerized monetary standards, need to go through a 3 phase measure. These methods propose that customers need to bear different trades costs and long cycles to get their money out of their wallets.


With Neox card we need to make a smoother cycle allowing customers to make persistent trades with a lone trade and single charge. Neox card improves crypto use for reliably purchases. The Neox card project hopes to convey computerized types of cash to people’s step by step life through a straightforward we will presumably help people with using advanced types of cash in their step by step life especially as they do with Fiat money


A crypto wallet that helps out smartcontract is known as a sharp understanding wallet. By the day's end, these wallets engage different sorts of activities like buying or selling tokens, token exchange, dapp correspondence, trade, get or advance. Segments of a sagacious agreement wallet:

Borrow and crediting crypto assets using particular money shows
Token sell, buy, exchange or trading
Enabling joint efforts with different Dapps


Computerized types of cash have been at the focal point of consideration as of late by virtue of its market differences and hypnotizing mechanical headway. Notwithstanding, to put or trade progressed financial structures, getting a cryptographic cash wallet is one of the huge interest. Without a wallet, there can be no trades. Having a good wallet is a vital for saving yourself from a wide scope of risks, hacks or deceives, hence you should guarantee a wallet, which is true and can keep your resources liberated from any damage.


Multi-computerized cash wallets infers the ability to store unmistakable advanced money in comparable wallets. Moreover, you can make boundless wallets for your own inspirations. Neox future wallet can be an awesome choice for customers who need to trade with various money related norms. Bitcoin was the chief money, anyway there are numerous different financial structures keeping watch and everyone of them has a substitute establishment.


Advantages of asserting Neox adaptable wallets

Safe and easy to store your advanced monetary standards
Freeze and defrost your card/wallet with a lone tap
Transactions are done in short proportion of time
Storing particular cryptographic types of cash in a comparative wallet close by other progressed assets with little costs


Token Distibution
A total of 1.050,000,000 NEX Tokens or 70% of the total emblematic stock will be set accessible to be bought. Remaining unsold tokens will be demolished by burned-through. After the Token Sale run all of the further united emblematic dispersals will be finished to the impairment of the resource which is re-energized with charge portions. The expense not settled forever according to the market refers to. In like manner, it will be viewed as that additional arrangement makes oversupply and likewise the risk of the decreasing in market refers to. The allocation procedure ought to thoroughly diminish this risk to guarantee the advantages of the Neox first Purchasers.


Wallet App

How were are Different

Computerized cash exchange with more than 100+ altcoins.

Freeze and defrost your Neox card with a singular tap. This makes our system more secure than standard credit and check card structures.

The ability to exchange cash at precise interbank exchange rates using Neox card application.

Advantage sharing for each Neox holder in Ethereum.

Free and continuous trade of resources between Neox card customers.

Resources are immediately open on the recipients Neox Card.

Crypto credit in fiat cash. This collaboration is simpler and faster than various banks.


Token Detail

Start : August 27th, 2021, 18:00 UTC+
End : December 27th, 2021, 18:00 UTC+2
Payment receipt : Only Ethereum
Hard cap : 20,000 ETHER
Soft cap : 2,000 ETHER
Token name : NEOX
Ticker : NEX
Change scale : 1 ETH = 52,500 NEX Tokens


Platform Token : ERC20

An amount of 1,500,000,000 Billion NEX Tokens or 70% of the total representative store will be set accessible to be bought. Remaining unsold tokens will be destroyed by devoured.


Prizes Purchases
Prize 30%
From 2021–08–27 18:00 to 2021–09–27 18:00

Prize 20%
From 2021–09–27 18:00 to 2021–10–27 18:00

Prize 15%
From 2021–10–27 18:00 to 2021–11–27 18:00

Prize 10%
From 2021–11–27 18:00 to 2021–12–27 18:00



Website :
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Medium :
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Bounty Thread BTT :


Author : Kirana Sukmawati
Bitcointalk :;u=2851011
Wallet Address : 0xeeadfeab6ecde29a8d92c0e41d1976aa053980f6

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