Rabu, 25 November 2020

iFarming Finance (IFY)

 iFarming Finance (IFY)

Presenting iFarming Finance, That Connects With The LEADING DEFI Protocols

Yield cultivating turned into a moving venture item after the long account and Uniswap outflank. The facts demonstrate that yield procuring could roll out enormous improvements in the crypto circle. It might require a few changes in keen agreement reviews and how they seem to mass individuals. Only one out of every odd decentralized item going to beat, however the undertaking who has an accomplished colleague and a unique vision to make natural automated revenue for speculators will have a decent effect. It will likewise require more than one working item like the task won't support except if it has other use cases other than yield procuring. There we go, presenting iFarming Finance and its erc20 token IFY that will have numerous working items for DeFi just as pay the best yield on speculation by yield cultivating.


What is iFarming Finance
The iFarming Finance (IFY) is building up an exceptional stage that permits anybody to furnish liquidity and to be compensated with IFY tokens, simultaneously keeping up both symbolic value solidness and secure and rearranged DeFi for everybody.

Yield ranchers just need to store their crypto utilizing our shrewd agreement, at that point iFarming handles all that it takes to get the best return procuring on the lookout. Liquidity suppliers procure standard awards notwithstanding reward IFY reward.

IFY Finance is a robotized DeFi speculation administration stage that will permit clients to procure yields over an assortment of DeFi items in a danger/reward streamlined way. It plans to carry more clients to the DeFi scene by making yield cultivating effectively open to clients. Yield cultivating today gives clients a high boundary to-passage, cost, and danger.

IFY Finance explains these problem areas by giving clients a minimal effort frictionless approach to pool their liquidity and apportion it over an arrangement of methodologies. By pooling liquidity, the stage courses the assets in a single exchange to the biggest and most noteworthy yield cultivating methodology, in this manner sparing gas expenses for clients.


iFarming Features
IFY is essential for the bigger pattern of decentralized account: an industry that is centered around building decentralized budgetary instruments on top of existing brilliant agreement empowered digital forms of money. These instruments incorporate digital currency loaning, protection, decentralized trades, and other use cases.


Yield Farming
Yield ranchers just need to store their crypto utilizing our shrewd agreement, at that point iFarming handles all that it takes to get the best return acquiring on the lookout.


NFT Farming&Trading
Simple farming by holding or exchanging restricted release Non-Fungible tokens (NFT) gave by iFarming and air-dropped to the network. Clients can get these NFT in closeout or airdrop. We use OpenSea API SDK.


IFY ecosystem system is completely network claimed. Clients can propose and decide on any framework boundary. Clients are boosted with the IFY administration token to stay up with the latest with the most recent DeFi advancements.


Liquidity Mining
Liquidity providers earn standard rewards in addition to bonus IFY reward.


Profit Management
Crypto investment includes high danger, in any case, we are consistently constructing a key structure to chop down these dangers and changing speculation liquidity circulation to keep clients acquiring the best return.


Buy Back & Burn
Token value strength is a significant worry in most DeFi ventures, in this way, we organize buyback and consume IFY to make the cost exceptionally steady, secure, and straightforward for day to speculators.


Token Sale
A total of 100,000 IFY token will be sold. The private deal was effectively finished with all designated token (20,000 IFY) sold out. In presale 80,000 IFY is accessible in 3 unique stages. Any unsold symbolic will be scorched. As of now, presale stage 1 is open, you can get it here.

The iFarming Finance Token Sale.
Name: iFarming
Ticker: IFY
Decimal: 18
Max Supply: 500,000
Private-Sale: 20,000
Pree - Sale: 80,000
Unsold Token: Be Burned
Phase 1 Price: 0.004 ETH
Phase 2 Price: 0.00666 ETH
Phase 3 Price: 0.01 ETH
Listing Price: 0.01333 ETH


Upcoming Events

November 2020
Whitepaper Release
First Marketing Campaign
NFT Auction


December 2020
Liquidity pool
Yield Farming by depositing assets
Decentralized exchange listing (Uniswap, 1Inch, Balancer etc)
Centralized exchange listing (Gate.io, MXC, LaToken, Hotbit, Crex24 etc)
Token tracker listing (CMC. Coingecko etc)
NFT Farming


January 2021
New strategic partnership to improve iFarming service
Seeking solutions for cross-chain integration
First governance voting enabled
Buy back & burn


February 2021
New exchange
Licence Register as Finance Farming Platform


March 2021
Community decides



Cheng Lai
Founder, Solidity Engineer
Amelia Briggs
Blockchain Engineer (Remote)
Vladislav Belousov
Full stack developer (Remote)
Jane Doe
Marketing Director
Charles T. Ferguson
Chief Strategist


For more information






About Cyclops Finance?
Cyclops Finance is developing a one of a king farming project that is setructured into an adventure ( game). Users of our dapps will be able to complete different tasks and in turn get rewarded for doing so.

Completion of tasks are categorized based on the preference of a user. That is a user can choose to play it in ordinary mode or in express.

When user completes a level, he/she gets rewarded and his /her stake unlocked.

If such a user fails,he/she gets penalized or fined, not in tokens or any other form of payments but by an increase in lockup time. Such a user can pay a bailout fee that brings them back to their current level, else they get kicked back to a previous level.

Cyclops game (AKA Cyclops Finance) is a hybrid yield farming/NFT project that evolved from the typical yield farming projects. It is an NFT farming project that is developed into a gaming/puzzle dapp.

It also a gaming platform that allow conventional games to easily integrate with the blockchain and monetize their game assets.

Yes you raised valid points sir and you are also right, we need to get the platform up and running first and until then any evaluation of CYTR is mere speculations. One thing for sure is that we are working hard with developments.

We are not only developing a game or games on the blockchain but also an ecosystem that would allow game developers deploy their games.

And to address the last point you raised, In addition to other features that would be integrated, our platform would integrate mainly treasure-hunt games such that every level would have a reward pool, as such, players are playing for a portion of the said reward pool.

And in other to reach a larger audience, Cyclops game platform would both be web-based and mobile apps.

Cyclops Finance-A DeFI  project that evolved out of the typical

DeFI yield farming project but with a different direction.

It adopts the greek mythology on Cyclopes,bicause it is cool and makes our dapp unique and a must-use.  

Token name: Cyclops Treasure

Token Ticker: CYTR

Token Contract: 0xbd05cee8741100010d8e93048a80ed77645ac7bf

Total supply: 1000

Price (by Coingecko): 147.32

Staking : 
Another impressive feature of Coruls wallet which allows users to maximize their profit by holding CORL and USDT tokens to receive annual interest up to 30%.

Furthermore, Coruls ecosystem runs with launched native cryptocurrency known as CORL token. CORL token serve as the primary payment option in Coruls platform and provides better advantages to users within Coruls framework.

Also, CORL token can be used by merchants to provide a BUY NOW AND PAY LATER option to customers. This feature is not easily available in most E-commerce websites worldwide.

In conclusion, Coruls serve as the medium for people to be a part of the booming online shopping trend as well enables them to experience unlimited benefits of merged E-commerce services with blockchain technology and Decentralized Finance.


For more information

WEBSITE : https://coin.coruls.com/

WHITEPAPER: https://coin.coruls.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/WP_CORULS6.pdf

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/coruls

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/corlcoin

MEDIUM : https://medium.com/@corlcoin

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/Corulsofficial

LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/coruls/


BTT Profile URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851011

Yearn Finance Tech - YFI Tech Yield Farming & DeFi service

Yearn Finance Tech - YFI Tech Yield Farming & DeFi service

What is YFIT?
Yearn Finance Tech is an independent FORK from Yearn Finance technology that is built to be reliable, independent and profitable. YFIT like YFI holds the technology of being able to aggregate elements from the technology itself. When users deposit, the balance will be allocated to the the highest possible revenue.


Yearn Finance Tech crowdfunding presale has three rounds with significant advantages for early adopters. Out of 20,000 total supply of YFIT token, 11,000 has been alocated for presale. Our token sale is taking place on Crowd-sale page. KYC is not required. 

Phase 1
Allocation: 2000 YFIT
Price: 1 ETH = 10 YFIT
Bonus: 50% Bonus

Phase 2
Allocation: 3000 YFIT
Price: 1 ETH = 10 YFIT
Bonus: 25% Bonus

Phase 3
Allocation: 6000 YFIT
Price: 1 ETH = 10 YFIT
Bonus: 10% Bonus


Q4 - 2020
Exchange listing
Yield Farming

Q4 - 2020


Uniswap, Gate.io
Hotbit, Probit, MXC
Yield Farming

CMC, Coingecko

Crosschain integration
Q1 - 2021

Mobile App

Yearn Game Launch


Q1 - 2021

YFIT Native mobile app

Trading Card Games
Governance Voting

New features marketing











UNICAP - Collateralized Swap Token

 UNICAP - Collateralized Swap Token

A crypto exchange-traded fund (CETF) is a type of fund and exchange-traded product, i.e. they are traded on crypto exchanges. CETF are similar in many ways to mutual funds, except that CETF are bought and sold throughout the 24 hours on crypto exchanges. An CETF holds assets such as cryptocurrency, tokens, coins, and generally operates with an arbitrage mechanism designed to keep it trading close to its net asset value, although deviations can occasionally occur. 


A CETF divides ownership of itself into tokens that are held by token holders. The token holders indirectly own the assets of the fund. Token Holders are entitled to a share of the profits, and they would be entitled to any residual value if the fund undergoes liquidation.


CETF may be attractive as investments because of their low costs, asset aggregation, and tradability. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange-traded_fund 


The methodology of blockchain advancement and cryptographic cash have made more open entryways in which decentralized business areas may work. Typically, virtual business areas are not coordinated, which their supporters acknowledge is something to be grateful for. The development and mediums, for instance, decentralized money and of a virtual business place bear the expense of monetary experts a doubt that everything is great and acceptable and trust in their swaps.


The advancement of business areas that usage the decentralized money related norms for budgetary swaps has provoked discussions about ways to sale with present conceivable rule. Were this to occur, fans of virtual business areas may believe this to diminish their evident current favorable circumstances of haziness and direct control of their swaps.


In a decentralized market, advancement enables examiners to sale with one another instead of working from inside a fused exchange. Virtual business areas that use decentralized money, or computerized monetary forms, are occurrences of decentralized business areas.


Commission losses

Constantly following the new tendencies and deciding whether to buy perspective tokens and coins or not. 

In a search for profit they start to pay attention to fast-developing DeFI start-ups. However, here they notice that most of DeFi tokens don’t have the actual business but only expectations of how successful the project will be, so they can easily increase and likely easily fall in their price.


Market difference can reach 1-100-1 USD, so only founders get income from it. All projects don’t forward the actual profit to investors, so many of them get into the scam category. We have analyzed the market and created a secure, profitable and transparent project UNICAP.


Finance Fund with DeFi ecosystem for getting additional profit from your inactive crypto assets. Investors can solve these problems, start increasing the profit and getting stable income only by creating a crypto fund (collective investment). We have created secured exchange token UCAP which you are provided with instead of the investment as a part of a fund UNICAP.


You do not buy a token but collectively invest into the fund swapping your funds to UCAP tokens. Your funds are allocated at the fund accounts and all the transactions are transparent. That is why every token UCAP will be initially 90% сollateralized with real cryptocurrency and liquidity tokens which the swap is done for. 10% will be reserved by the company management for control, development, listings at the leading exchanges and project advertisement. The profit of the DeFi ecosystem operation will be forwarded to the fund additionally which is going to increase token cost and cover the initial expenses on fund management as well as market fund cost increase. 


Token swap to your funds is planned as multi-leveled (min 90 levels). The price will increase on $0.1 every next level (300,000 – 1,000,000 tokens)! After Pre Public Swap Levels and listing, tokens will swap/sale at the price set by the exchange, but no less than the current level. The starting price $1 will increase up to more $20 by the end of allocation of all tokens which will bring quite a profit to the first fund investors. 


The opportunity to swap UCAP tokens to the fund “Buy Back” will be available on further levels (after listing) or you can use the token as a financial instrument of a part of all funds for pools or exchange trading. Swap “Buy Back” UCAP – all tokens to be returned to the fund will be frozen and swap/sale to cryptocurrency in the future after level 90! Swap “Buy Back” 5% OFF commission to fund. Min “Buy Back” swap 10,000 USDT. Swap Price UCAP = Net Worth / Token Circulation 


Tokens will be listed on the leading exchanges (Bittrex, OKEX, Huobi, Binance, FTX, BitHumb, UpBit, BitFinex and more) after Pre Public Swap period. Liquidity pools will be created at all leading DeFi platform


You do not buy a token but collectively invest into the fund swapping your funds to UCAP tokens. Your funds are allocated at the fund accounts and all the transactions are transparent. That is why every token UCAP will be initially 90% сollateralized with real cryptocurrency and liquidity tokens which the swap is done for.


The project was created by the company FINEXPO existing since 2002. FINEXPO major projects are exhibitions and luxury trade shows organized annually all around the world. These events were attended by more than 200,000 visitors and 3,000 worldwide companies. The company is also the owner of IQ.cash and Master.Money. The geography of these shows is really broad and covers the following countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Egypt, Cyprus, China, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Latvia, etc. 


CETF transparent. CETFs are priced continuously throughout the 24-hour-trading and therefore have price transparency.  


CETF can be bought and sold at current market prices at any time during the 24 hours. Also, investors can execute the same types of trades that they can with a cryptocurrency, such as limit orders, which allow investors to specify the price points at which they are willing to trade, stop-loss orders, margin buying, hedging strategies, and there is no minimum investment requirement. Because CETF can be cheaply acquired, held, and disposed of, some investors buy and hold CETF for asset allocation purposes, while other investors trade CETF shares frequently to hedge risk or implement market timing investment strategies. 

UCAP Supply Allocation 10% / 90%
10%: Development & Governance

90%: UNICAP project  


UNICAP fund Supply Allocation:
5% Stablecoins.

Investment AI Trading Systems and Money Management USDT, TUSD, USDC, PAX, BUSD, DAI. Allocation of funds in a form of stable coin for artificial intelligence system trading. Short-term trading – day trading. Futures, options and synthetic instruments trading.

25% Reserved for Investment to Crypto/DeFi Startups and new UNICAP CETFs funds.

Promising startup token/coin swap to UCAP token for project development, partnership listing and capitalization multiplication for further profit and fund capitalization increase. It is planned that UCAP token owners will vote for investing in startups.

10% Stablecoins.

USDT, TUSD, USDC, PAX, BUSD, DAI for DeFi lending, debt liquidation and creation of liquidity pools.

25% Blockchain Coins.

Top most liquid and promising coins with blockchain. Profile management. Fund rotation for liquidity and capitalization increase by swapping inactive or decreasing to more promising in terms of fund policy.

25% Tokens (Any Platform).

Top most liquid and promising tokens. Profile management. Fund rotation for liquidity and capitalization increase by swapping inactive or decreasing to more promising in terms of fund policy.


Token Specifications and Sale Allocation
Token Ticker:  UCAP 

Token Type:  ERC-20 

Blockchain:  Ethereum 

Legal Classification:  Utility Token 

Total Supply (No. of Tokens):  100,000,000 


Private Swap: 250,000 UCAP (0.20%) at USD 0.8 per UCAP 
Pre Public Swap Level 1: 300,000 UCAP (0.30%) at USD 0.8 – 1 per UCAP 

Pre Public Swap Level 2: 500,000 UCAP (0.50%) at USD 0.9 – 1.1 per UCAP 

Pre Public Swap Level 3: 500,000 UCAP (0.50%) at USD 1 – 1.2 per UCAP 

Sale Level 4: 500,000 UCAP (1%) at USD 1.1 – 1.3 per UCAP 

Sale Level 5: 500,000 UCAP (1%) at USD 1.2 – 1.4 per UCAP 

Sale Level 6: 1,000,000 UCAP (1%) at USD 1.3 – 1.5 per UCAP 

Sale Level 7-100: 1,000,000 UCAP (1%) each level at USD 1.4 – 20 per UCA

#ETF #Ethereum #bitcoin #eth #uniswap #defi #gem #investing #altcoins #exchange #money #cryptocurrency #trading #investment #decentralized


For more detailed information

Website: https://ucap.finance/

UNICAP_WP: https://ucap.finance/docs/ucap_wp_v1.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/unicap_finance

Facebook: https://facebook.com/tradersfair

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unicapfinance

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/unicapfinance/

Discord: https://discord.gg/BJBA4Yb

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5278941.msg55283491


Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851011



Blockchain technology has created great opportunities that are beyond the present centralized financial system where cryptocurrencies can be used as a commodity, currency and as a means for value exchange centered around people. The emergence of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have paved numerous ways for wealth creation, one of which is cryptocurrency trading.

Digital asset exchanges and trading platforms have evolved to be one of the most important parts of the blockchain industry and we seek to improve on the technology by creating a new and innovative digital asset trading platform that will usher the blockchain technology into its glorious future.

What is Rbitex Exchange?
rBitex Ventures Private Limited is a Fintech company based in India, that seeks to launch a global marketplace for all cryptocurrency assets. The whitepaper expresses the features of the rBitex Exchange and its benefits to users. rBitex is building a robust and fully compliant platform that offers a broad range of peer-to-peer cryptocurrency-specialized solutions.

These include a high-frequency trading platform capable of real-time spot trading and margin trading and over-the-counter trading. rBitex Exchange will be a game-changer in digital assets trading. Stepping into the industry in 2020, the rBitex team has equipped itself with all the tools of digital asset trading and has drawn its conclusions based on research and observations against other exchanges.

rBitex Exchange will be the digital assets trading platform to watch out for in 2020. Be among the first traders to enjoy the rBitex Exchange experience and make your mark with this Cryptocurrency Social Trading exchange.

rBitex Exchange is a coming of age cryptocurrency exchange platform that aims to disrupt the digital assets trading by completely transforming how we trade on exchanges. rBitex Exchange is meant to stand out and will be a force to reckon with in the volatile and highly competitive market.

rBitex Exchange is offering digital asset traders a platform with incredible features which will outperform all current exchanges. Right from its interface to the general trading, rBitex exchange will be unique in all aspects and completely revolutionize the digital asset trading landscape.

Our vision is to ease the process of digital-assets trading and disruptively innovate the trading experience of the customers. We also envision to offer the most secure trading circumstances to amateur users and develop unshakable trust among them.


Thanks for reading this article and using your precious time on here. For https://www.rbitex.com/about they are trying to build something great and unique. We saw dozens of projects without any single usability and we witness their extincion. And on the other hand "rBitex Exchange" team have a solid idea and they almost finalized their products and services. So in my opinion there isn’t any reason for RBitex Exchange to be successful. and i Appreciate this Unique Idea for Their rBitex Exchange Coin "rBitex" To be A Better Perform in future For sure Good Wishes For them.

rBitex Exchange is focused and dedicated in providing a unique, comprehensive trading experience with a brand-new approach: 

Incredible User-interface 

Right place to start for novice 

Ease of trading 

A plethora of digital assets to choose from 

Real time statistical data 

Excellent customer support 

The features rBitex exchange.
Multilingual support
Excellent customer support and improvement
Super-fast KYC
24/7 trading platform

After the launch of rBitex, we will continue to develop the rBitex platform and we will add new features that will include:
Spot trading
Social trading
Margin Trading

rBitx is a payment token at rBitex Exchange, which is used to pay for any fees on our platform, including but not limited to:

Exchange fee
Withdraw fee
Listing fee
Any other fee.

Furthermore, rBitx provides a number of utilities with the exchange platform which also includes but are not limited to:
Trading fee discounts
Voting rights for listing of new tokens
Increased referral bonus
Early access to new features.

Token Name: rBitx
Token Ticker: rBitx
Token Type: Ethereum ERC-20
Total Supply : 500,000,000 rBitx

Token Allocation
20%: Presale
30%: IEO
10%: Team
30%: Reserve
10%: Rewards & Bonuses



YFSWAP.FINANCE - First Defi Version Of Bitcoin And Ethereum

What is YFSwap?
YFSwap is a financial platform based on Blockchain technology and using the concept of Decentralized Finance, the AMM-based Dex Platform was created with the aim of being an all-in-one platform with more Pools and cryptocurrency options. Initially on the YFSwap platform there will be 2 options, that is YFBTC and YFETH which will temporarily use Uniswap's LP pool and will use the independent LP pool when the liquidity of the pool meets the criteria. As we know Currently Uniswap shares the proceeds from swap fees with its own core investors where on the YFSwap platform all users can get a bigger amount than Uniswap & Sushiswap from the results obtained.


What is YFBTC
YFBTC will be based on the Bitcoin Protocol which will follow the halving scheme of the Bitcoin Network. This is intended to maintain the sustainability of long term planning once controlling the amount held. Unlike Bitcoin which will be mined in 2140, YFBTC will be completely mined in less time, which is 4 years. After that the platform will give complete control to the community to vote where the community can decide to increase or maintain its supply.


What is YFETH

Just like YFBTC, YFETH will adopt a protocol from Ethereum with a lower supply than Ethereum and tokens that will be distributed equally to users, YFETH will follow the Constatinople Consensus. The YFSwap team made YFTETH fully decentralized by providing the community to take part in its development.

What is YFETH

Just like YFBTC, YFETH will adopt a protocol from Ethereum with a lower supply than Ethereum and tokens that will be distributed equally to users, YFETH will follow the Constatinople Consensus. The YFSwap team made YFTETH fully decentralized by providing the community to take part in its development.


YFETH (75,000 Total Supply)
WE DO NOT ENCOURAGE PURCHASE OF YFETH. BUT BETTER THAN RUG PULLS OR FOOD DEFI. But if you still want to proceed, click on participate in Campaign.



To qualify for the airdrop, your metamask wallet must EITHER have “300 UNI, 300 BITTO, 0.5 YFI, 300 BAL, 300 LINK, 300 BNB, 300 HT, 300 OKB, 300 BAND, 300 NXM”. YOU will be eligible for FREE 3 YFETH tokens.


Use your Metamask wallet to send ETH to the crowdfunding address, Do NOT SEND FROM EXCHANGE.


YFETH will be automatically sent to your source address according to the source address of your ETH via smart contract.


Multiple ETH can be transferred, automatically aggregated


The initial amount of YFETH is 75,000, and the number of YFETH Free airdrops is 39,125. Another 35,875 YFETH will be allocated for Crowdfunding to help maintain server and project sustainability and future development. But any YFETH left from crowdfunding will be burned and will NOT be kept by team or developers to ensure maximum decentralization of YFETH supply.


YFETH will end the airdrop and tokens must be claimed before 16th Oct 2020. YFETH will also be listed on Uniswap decentralized exchange. Potential additional exchanges to be listed are Hotbit and Bilaxy.




